الصِحافة العربية بعد استقلال الهند 1947م إلى عام 1959م(الحلقة الثانية

  • Fareed Ahmed باحث، قسم شعبه علوم الاساسي ، جامعة دلهي، نيو دلهي، الهند
Keywords: Arabic, journalism, India, journals, Muslims, لصِحافة ،العربية ، الهند، مجلات ، مسلمون


Since ancient period Arabic was welcomed by the Indians. They learnt it and became well versed in it. It is narrated that Kaurav and Padav carried out secret talks in Arabic. But when the Muslim reached India and they captured a great deal of this country they started promoting Arabic in a new way; they opened Arabic schools and made Arabic necessary in areas of Sind.But after this Arabic journalism could not florish in Indis. The Muslims wrote books and composed poems in it but they did not start Arabic journalism. It began only in 19th century when ‘Al-Nafa al-Azim lAhl-i-Haza al-Iqlim’ was issued in 1871. It was followed by a huge number of journals and magazines which I have mentioned in this article. This article deals with the Arabic journalism since its birth till 2010. I have taken all journal and magazine with a short introduction to it pointing out its distinctions. In fact ninety nine percent of the Arabic journalism is supported by the private and personal efforts only a total of two-three journals are issued by the government. This is a thorough study of these journals.
