قراءة في التراث المطبوع والمخطوط للعلامة عبد الحميد الفراهي

  • Muhmamad Mumair باحث، قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، الجامعة الملية الإسلامية، نيودلهي، الهند
Keywords: Hikma-tul-Qur’an., Farahi's, Tafsir, Hujaj, Lingual, حکمة القرآن ، الفراهي ، تفسير، حجة ، لساني


Abdul Hameed Farahi was a great scholar of twentieth century. He focused his study on Qur'anic studies, and derived some results which were regarded as a mile stone in the field of Qur'anic Studies.

His study begins from the language of Qur'an, which means to explore the exact meaning of the words used in Qur'an by finding out there roots and usages in the classical Arabic literature, to avoid, the mistakes which can occur by using the dictionaries available now. Because they do not differentiate between the meaning of a word in different ages, so if someone takes a meaning of the word used in Qur'an it does not mean that it would be the meaning of the period in which Qur,an was revealed. but it might be the meaning of latter periods,

 Our many Mufassirs and scholars do not mind this important thing so they indulged in serious contradictions. Frahi wrote "Mufrada-tul-Qurán in this regard.

From the language of Qura,n Frahi's study expands to the rhetoric of the Qur'an and its lingual beauties.

He wrote "Jamhara-tul-Balaghah and "Äsalib-ul-Qur'an to describe that “Qur,nic language is above from the ordinary Arabic language, that is why it is a lingual  miracle of God, so the ordinary rules of Arabic language some time do not apply on Qur’an  but it cross the boundary of the language , so the language of Qur’an needs a special study,

From the rhetoric of Qur’an Frahi's study goes to the coherence of Qur’an. Frahi describes that coherence is the key to understand the Qur’an.

Farahi is the first person who began his" Tafsir" in the light of coherence and proved that Qur’an is a complete book of God. To prove it he wrote Dalail-al-Nizam" and "Al-Takmeel –fi- Usuluttawil"

Apart from these books Farahi called for recompilation of Islamic sciences because they are not compiled in Qur’anic view of point, In this regard he wrote Hujaj-ul-Qur'an and Hikma-tul-Qur’an.

There are many other books in this project which are still in manuscript forme, they are also very important, and need to some who pu
